The CyberRoad Events
May 25, 2016 - CyberROAD Project Final Event (Cagliari, Italy)
CyberROAD organized its final event "Future Challenges in Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism Research: the CyberROAD perspective" at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of Cagliari - Piazza d'Armi, Cagliari, Italy on May 25th, 2016.
9:30-10:05 | Networking Welcome Coffee |
10:05-10:55 | Opening Remarks - The CyberROAD Project Experience |
The CyberROAD project Fabio Roli, University of Cagliari (CyberROAD Project) | |
The CyberROAD roadmap Enrico Frumento, CEFRIEL (CyberROAD Project) | |
10:55-11:25 | |
Selected Research Topics from CyberROAD: Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism Research Topics Piotr Kijewski | |
11:25-11:55 | |
Selected Research Topics from CyberROAD: Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism Research Topics Jart Armin | |
11:55-12:25 | |
The Joint CAMINO/COURAGE/CYBERROAD roadmap Ben Brewster (CENTRIC - Sheffield Hallam University, COURAGE Project) | |
12:25-13:55 | Networking Buffet Lunch |
13:55-14:35 | |
Cybersecurity needs in industry and industrial products Michele Colaianni, University of Modena e Reggio Emilia | |
14:35-15:05 | |
The Assessment of Systematic Security Risk in Interdependent Systems Jens Grossklags, Penn State University | |
15:05-15:15 | Closing remarks |
March 10-11, 2016 - Joint Event with CAMINO and COURAGE on "Emerging and Current Challenges in Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism" (Hague, The Netherlands)
COURAGE, CAMINO and CyberROAD consortia organized the joint conference on "Emerging and Current Challenges in Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism". The event was part of an overall thinking and exchange process that aimed at promoting a European vision and roadmap for the fight against cybercrime and cyberterrorism, a priority for the European Union and the basis upon which all three projects were initiated. The event provided SMEs, the industry sector, scientific communities and end users with a forum to exchange ideas and challenges presented by the projects in order to elaborate strategies and priorities for a common roadmap to fight cybercrime and cyberterrorism. In particular, the goal of the two-day event was to gather insights regarding cybercrime and cyberterrorism in Europe and beyond, and to discuss further developments in the methodology, technology, and foundations for the design and effective implementation of a European roadmap for the fight against cybercrime and cyberterrorism.
December 9, 2015 - 2nd ARES-Workshop (Vienna, Austria)
The main aims of the second ARES-Workshop that took place on December 9th 2015 in Vienna at SBAs premises were the following:
- Collection and concentration of recent research results, mainly derived from the First International Workshop on Future Scenarios for CyberCrime and CyberTerrorism (FCCT) that was organized by the CyberROAD project in conjunction with the 10th ARES-conference in Toulouse in August 2015.
- Development of a set of fundamental scenarios that on the one side provide a good coverage of the fields identified as relevant for the project scope and on the other hand does not produce too much overlap between the single scenarios. This goes hand in hand with the preparation of a strategy for the actual preparation of these scenarios and the resulting views.
- The definition of a strategy for the preparation of the final research roadmap, especially considering coordination with the projects CAMINO and COURAGE in order to achieve a consolidated view and a consolidated roadmap that can be utilized for future research endeavors.
- The definition of actions for communication and dissemination for the final project results and during the last 5 months of the project duration.
August 24-28, 2015 - 1st CyberRoad Workshop (FCCT 2015) (Toulouse, France)
CyberRoad organized its first workshop in conjunction with ARES 2015. The aim of the First International Workshop on Future Scenarios for CyberCrime and CyberTerrorism (FCCT 2015) is to anticipate the future of cyber-criminal activities, enabling governments, businesses and citizens to prepare themselves for the risks and challenges of the coming years. The first step towards the creation of a strategic roadmap for future research on cyber-crime and cyber-terrorism is the building of scenarios on the future transformations of the society, business activities, production of goods, commodities, etc. The aim of FCCT 2015 is to create a forum on scenario building and creation of research roadmaps for cyber-crime and cyber-terrorism. The building of future scenarios should allow the identification of the main driving forces and factors that will shape the evolution of cybercrime and cyberterrorism. A principled analysis of the differences between the current state of play and the future scenarios should allow drawing roadmaps and priorities of future research on cybercrime and cyberterrorism. FFCT 2015 is an international forum for researchers and practitioners from Academia, Industry, Government and Non Governmental Organizations, involved in the investigation of future trends of CyberCrime and CyberTerrorism.
July 8, 2015 - Security Summit (Cagliari, Italy)
Security Summit is the event dedicated to security information and information systems, which registered an amazing success during, last years editions thanks to in depth examinations on the most important technologies for ICT security and high value contents. Security Summit - Cagliari was organized by CLUSIT, The Italian Association for Information Security and Astrea, Marketing and communication agency specialized in organizing events b2b, with the partnership of University of Cagliari, Sardegna Ricerche, Tiscali, and the sTATA (secure Technologies Against Targeted Attacks) project. During the summit, Davide Ariu has shortly introduced the CyberROAD project.
July 2-3, 2015 - SINNOVA (Cagliari, Italy)
SINNOVA is the most important sardinian exhibition dedicated to innovation. It is organized every year in Cagliari. Innovative ICT Companies and Universities present their products and the results of their research activities. During SINNOVA 2015, UNICA (represented by Matteo Mauri and Davide Ariu, PRA Lab) presented its activities on Computer Security and the CyberROAD project.
June 29 - July 3, 2015 - "Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust" session within the 3rd Hellenic Forum (Athens, Greece)
The 3rd Hellenic Forum is an annual, polythematic conference, which took place in NCSRD premises during June 29th - July 3rd, 2015, in Athens, Greece. During this event, multiple sessions and workshops took place with several talks focused on cyber security, privacy and trust. The purpose of the "Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust" session within the Hellenic Forum was to bring CyberROAD results closer to the general public, the scientific community and Industry.
May 20-21, 2015 - First CyberROAD Workshop (Darmstadt, Germany)
Technische Universitat Darmstadt (TUD) organized the First CyberROAD Workshop, which took place in Darmstadt, Germany from May 20th to May 21st 2015. The workshop was attended by consortium and advisory board members with a view to:
- Provide a clear view of the project's status;
- Explain the main achievements in each CyberROAD work package;
- Provide an overview of the risk assessment and research topic ranking methodology with practical examples;
- Apply and exercise the methodology;
- Receive feedback from the consortium and advisory board members;
- Inform advisory board members of the project activities in order to provide useful review.
The First CyberROAD Workshop enabled the advisory board to provide in-depth review of the project activities in all Work Packages. Considering the sensitivity of information, the first workshop was restricted to advisory board members that have an official affiliation with the project.
January 26, 2015 - Las Palmas 2015 FIRST/TF-CSIRT Technical Colloquium (Las Palmas, Canary Islands)
CyberROAD was presented by Przemek Jaroszewski, NASK, at TF-CSIRT meeting in Las Palmas.
Slides (493.8 KB)
October 22-23, 2014 - 18th Conference on Telecommunications and IT Security (SECURE 2014) (Warsaw, Poland)
CyberROAD was presented by Jart Armin at SECURE 2014.
Slides (2.1 MB)
October 9, 2014 - “Verso l’ultima frontiera della Sicurezza Cibernetica” (Cagliari, Italy)
During the event, organized by PRA Lab within the advocacy campaign “European Cyber Security Month” , Davide Ariu presented CyberROAD.
September 26, 2014 - European Researchers' Night (Nuoro, Sardinia, Italy)
During this event Pra Lab, represented by Gian Luca Marcialis, presented CyberROAD's goals and using also a poster with the CybeROAD's logo.
September 16-19, 2014 - International Summer School BTIA 2014 (Cagliari, Italy)
During this event, Giorgio Giacinto presented CyberROAD's goals giving a lecture and showing its related slides.